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Welcome to Germantown Academy

GA以家庭为中心的录取流程确保未来的家庭和学生获得他们需要的深思熟虑的信息,以便最好地了解我们的课程, philosophy, and community, while parent input, 学校信息和入学评估帮助我们了解每个申请人.  我们的目标是通过尽可能多地了解我们的学生,确保我们的学生在GA处于最好的位置,既快乐又成功, 通过给他们提供了解我们私立学校的机会!

Admission Process


As members of our community, 所有的学生都要完成相同的录取程序,这个程序在申请人的年龄和他们申请的部门之间发展一致.

Traditional entry grades include PreK, Kindergarten, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, and 9th Grade. 非传统入学等级的可用空间有限,这通常是基于自然流失. GA does not accept applications to 12th Grade

First Round

If you would like to be considered in the First Round 12月的录取通知,你的录取文件 must be complete by December 1.  We suggest the following timeline:

  • Admission Decisions -第一轮决定的通知将于12月18日发送.
  • Enrollment Date -合同将于1月份提供,截止日期为2月15日. 任何需要延期的家庭都欢迎与招生处联系, Enrollment and Financial Aid Office.

Rolling Admission

所有在12月1日之后完成入学文件的申请将被考虑 Rolling Admission process and notification will begin in January. Please note – we typically fill many of our 9th 因此,我们鼓励您按照我们建议的时间表进行. Admission for all other grades occurs throughout the year.

Admission FAQs


Early Childhood

1st Grade
2nd Grade


Upper Elementary

3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade


Middle School

6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade


Upper School

9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade


Financial Aid



The GA Investment

2023届的多名成员将就读于宾夕法尼亚大学, Syracuse University, Penn State University, and Franklin & Marshall. FULL LIST.

Faculty/Student mentorships continue well after graduation.

More than 1/4 of each graduating class plays a sport in college.




Getting Here.

Students come to GA from more than 90 cities and towns. GA 10英里以内的学区提供校车上学. 从多伊尔斯敦到费城的许多中学生和高中生都使用SEPTA作为上学的交通工具. The train stop is right across the street from campus.

When students start at GA, they stay at GA.

GA的年流失率为3%,是该地区独立学校和宗教学校中最低的之一. Our school welcomes 80-90 new families annually.

Teachers make a commitment.

Our faculty average years of teaching at GA is 18. Eighteen faculty and staff members are also graduates of GA.

Financial assistance is available.


I work until 5pm each day.

许多中学生和高中生聚集在罗伯茨家庭图书馆(直到下午5点)和科曼家庭馆(直到下午6点)进行社交和学习. 一个名为SPARK的后续护理项目在下午2:50-5:45对所有低年级学生开放,可以每天参加并付费, weekly or yearly basis.

Bienvenido a GA.

GA offers several modern and classical languages, including Spanish, French, Chinese, Latin, and our Head of School’s favorite – German (as an elective).

Music appreciation.

Annually, 375+ students from all three divisions play an instrument, and performances include divisional concerts with bands, orchestras and ensembles. Choral groups are found all across the school as well.

Opportunities to compete.

GA拥有80多个中学和高中运动队和俱乐部项目. 有超过75%的学生参加,爱国者队可以在这里找到自己的位置.

The path to college.


Germantown Academy welcomes students of all backgrounds. 如果您在入学过程中需要翻译或口译服务,请 CLICK HERE to send an email request to the Admission Office. Thank you!

Germantown Academy Non-Discrimination Policy

日耳曼学院致力于在我们社区的行动和关系的各个方面,在任何基础上,包括但不限于种族歧视的政策, religion, ancestry, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, familial status, disability, veteran status or national origin. As required by Title IX, 大学入学事务处在考虑入学申请时,不会以性别为基础加以歧视.